2021-05-18 – The show goes on as Pine Theater reopens – Pamplin Media Group Timelines: News
The history of the Pine Theater in Prineville dates back to 1938, when it first opened to the public.
In 1971, the theater was temporarily closed due to some rowdiness, and in the 1980s, it was closed permanently. It remained closed for 25 years, until Ali and Oniko Mehrabi bought the theater in 2006 from Jim Van Voorhees. A major renovation took place, and Dec. 19, 2007 was reopening day. In 2010, they became the only two-story screen theater in Oregon.
“In 2013, the theater had switched to digital projection, thanks to the support of this wonderful community,” said Oniko. “The community purchased horseshoes, and now Prineville has their own walk of fame in front of the theater, just like Hollywood.”
The renovations included replacing the iconic neon sign, replacing the trim inside the theater, which was taken from reclaimed pine walls that were originally built in 1938. The downstairs viewing room was renovated, and in 2013, the renovations for an upstairs viewing room took place. The concession area in the lobby was also updated in 2013…
Ramona McCallister
Full article: https://pamplinmedia.com/ceo/162-news/509071-406849-the-show-goes-on-as-pine-theater-reopens